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Wood fencing is a versatile and attractive option for defining property lines, ensuring privacy, and enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your home. As a locally owned business, we take pride in providing personalized service and expert advice tailored to the unique climate and style preferences of our community.

Versatile and attractive option of wood fence in Chicagoland area

Choosing the Right Wood

The key to a successful wood fence is selecting the right type of wood, Western Red Cedar and pressure-treated pine are among the most popular choices due to their natural durability and resistance to decay. Western Red Cedar, known for its rich color and natural insect-repellent oils, offers a combination of longevity and beauty. Pressure-treated pine, on the other hand, is treated with chemicals to resist rot and pests, making it a favored option for harsher conditions.

Design Customization

Our company specializes in custom-designed wood fences. Whether you’re looking for the complete privacy of a solid wood fence, the sophisticated spacing of a traditional picket fence, or the unique aesthetic of a shadow box design, we have the expertise to bring your vision to life. We work closely with you to understand your needs and preferences so that every fence we install is a perfect fit for your property and lifestyle.

Sustainability and Quality

As a locally owned company, we are deeply committed to sustainability. The majority of our wood fences are made from all-natural renewable resources. We ensure high quality by using only the best materials and by employing skilled craftsmen who build each fence with precision and care.

Longevity and Maintenance

Wood fences require some maintenance to keep them looking their best. Regular cleaning, staining, or sealing can help protect the wood from the elements and extend the life of your fence. Our team can provide detailed guidance on how to maintain your wood fence in top condition year after year.

Local Expertise

Our experts have over a century of combined experience in the fencing industry. Their extensive knowledge enables us to offer unparalleled advice on the best wood options and maintenance practices for our specific region. Our deep roots in the community also mean we understand the local climate challenges and design trends which guide our recommendations and ensure the best outcomes for our clients.

Commitment to Customer Satisfaction

At Paramount Fence, we are not just another fencing company; we are your neighbors. We strive to build relationships with our clients through exceptional service and quality craftsmanship. This commitment is why we have been members of the American Fence Association and the local Chicagoland Chapter of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) for almost 20 years, earning us one of the highest customer service ratings in the area.

For those considering wood fencing, our local team is here to guide you every step of the way. From initial design to installation and maintenance, we ensure your wood fence is not only beautiful but also a lasting investment in your property.

For more information about our company or the products and services we provide, contact us via our website or speak to one of our fencing experts at 630-239-2714.