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The process of making a chain link fence involves several critical steps that ensure its durability and functionality. As a locally owned business with over a century of combined expertise in fencing, we take pride in using high-quality materials and proven techniques to craft each chain link fence. Here is a look at how chain link fence is created:

Process of installing a chain link fence in IL

Material Selection

The production of a chain link fence starts with the careful selection of materials. High-quality steel wire is essential, chosen for its strength and flexibility. The steel is typically galvanized or coated with zinc to protect against corrosion, ensuring the longevity of the fence in various weather conditions.

Wire Drawing

The first stage in the manufacturing process is wire drawing. The steel wire is drawn through a series of dies, each smaller than the last, which reduces the wire’s diameter and increases its strength without sacrificing its strength. This process also enhances the tensile strength of the steel, making it ideal for the weaving that follows.

Weaving the Wire

The core of chain link fence production is the weaving process. Specialized machines are used to weave the drawn wire into distinctive diamond patterns. This pattern is not only aesthetically pleasing but also provides effective security by creating a strong barrier. The flexibility of the machinery allows for adjustment of the diamond size, catering to different security needs from residential properties to high-security areas.

Galvanizing Process

After weaving, the next step is galvanizing, which significantly enhances the fence’s resistance to environmental damage. The woven steel wire is dipped in a molten zinc bath, creating a strong protective layer that prevents rust and corrosion. Some fences undergo an additional coating process where PVC is applied, offering extra durability and availability in various colors to blend with different environments.

Framing and Installation

Once the mesh is created and treated, it’s attached to steel posts that anchor the fence securely in the ground. These posts are typically embedded in concrete to ensure stability and resilience against physical stress. The installation process requires precise measurements and skilled techniques to ensure that the fence is level and properly tensioned.

Quality Assurance and Control

Quality assurance is integral throughout the manufacturing process. Each phase from wire drawing to installation is monitored to ensure that the final product meets our high standards. This meticulous attention to detail is part of our commitment to providing top-notch products and services.

Customization And Customer Service

Our expertise allows us to offer customized fencing solutions tailored to individual needs. Whether our clients require enhanced security features or specific aesthetic preferences, we are equipped to accommodate these demands with precision-engineered fences. In addition, our customer service extends beyond sales, offering comprehensive support throughout the selection, installation, and maintenance processes.


Making a chain link fence is a detailed process that involves high-quality materials, expert craftsmanship, and a commitment to durability and customer satisfaction. Our locally owned company stands behind each fence we build, ensuring it meets the needs and expectations of our clients.

Our Commitment to Excellence

At Paramount Fence, we strive to provide excellent customer service, which is why we have been members of the American Fence Association and the local Chicagoland Chapter of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) for almost 20 years. In fact, we have one of the highest customer service ratings with the Better Business Bureau in the area.

For more information about our company or the products and services we provide, contact us via our website or speak to one of our fencing experts at 630-239-2714.